How it works
The smarter way to process documents step by step
Select Source
Upload PDFs, images, text document or select a website address to be the first step

Classify and Extract Data
System classifies the document and extracts the key entities in the document
Get Result
Directly export the result to your existing workflow without disrupting your system

Our Applications
​Businesses draw actionable insights from text using our industry-
leading natural language processing and machine-learning applications.
Web Crawling
Automatically retrieve from the target website translate the non-structured data into structured data
Solution for below
Competitor Analysis
Marketing Report
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Recognize and extract text from documents in different file formats including PDF, PNG, JPEG, etc.
Solution for below documents
ID Card
Driver Liscense
Document Classification
Classify free-text document into single or multiple predefined categories according to the content
Solution for below documents
Entity Extraction
Extract key entities from documents that interests to your business
Solution for below
Application Form
Order Form
AI Recommendation
Predict the users’ decision, and provide relevant suggestions based on the Precedent Cases
Solution for below
Customer Behavioral Analytics
Demand Forecasting
Address Standardization and Validation
Decompose raw input of address and standardizes format with spell correction and abbreviation expansion
Solution for below
Application Form
Order Form
Use Cases
Unlocking the Potential of AI to Solve Business Challenge
Why Intrinsity?
Automate what you couldn't before
Read, interpret, and understand documents based on content, not just layouts
No matter the volume of incoming text, the software can handle the variance
Maintain consistency and analyze data subjectively. Assure that a uniform criteria is applied to the workflow
Achieve meaningful, repeatable results. Many of our models in production achieve greater than 90% accuracy.
Continuous Learning
Continually increase the accuracy over time, with feedback from users
Domain Customization
Able to understand the language of your business by customization